Pink H

Blue H

Colorfull work

Photo R
©Veronique Ivanović

Champ de Bataille Flower 1

Paon:Peacock 1

Jardins Suspendus LH3

Jardins Suspendus LH2

Arizona 1

Arizona 2

Arizona 3

Arizona 4

Acrylics on Slate

Arizona Walk 11

On my Urban Walks USA HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY 2021 2

Simply Red
Acrylics on Slate, H 12″ x W 9″

From On my urban walks series Atlanta 28 and directly from the pool! 3

On my Urban Walks Normandy39 legomaniac 1

Arizona 17

Mise au point 01-07 a

Mise au point 01-07 c

Mise au point 01-07 b

Mise au point 01-07 d

Mise au point 01-07 e

Mise au point 01-07 f

Mise au point 01-07 g


Acrylics on Wood, H 38″ x W 30″