2024 Exposition Île de Ré
Ciel, Trinité, Mer, faune marine...D'où venons-nous ? Sky, Trinity, Sea, marine fauna... Where do we come from?
Mon ambition est d'associer le ciel, la mer et la lumière sur du bois surcyclé avec de vivifiantes couleurs acryliques
Where is the boat?
2020-2021 Award winning artist at ArtPopGalleryATL
I have been chosen to be in a $150 000 advertising campaign featuring my art on fixed and digital billboards in Atlanta and Georgia
K75 ©Veronique Ivanovic 2015-2024, all rights reserved
The dichotomy of the one-way street, the rather evocative mural and three teenagers chatting about???
K75 ©Veronique Ivanovic 2015-2024, all rights reserved
SW 1
K75 ©Veronique Ivanovic 2015-2024, all rights reserved
Pink H
K75 ©Veronique Ivanovic 2015-2024, all rights reserved
Because of difficult times in my life picking up a pencil, a brush, my camera helped me translate feelings and emotions.